First, and closest to my heart, the dogs. This is Ozzie, a beagle cross who won the hearts of the locals when I took him offsite to meet them yesterday.
And then there's the cats, a shifty-looking bunch if ever I saw one. I'm really not sure about this lad, who seems to be giving me a very long, calculated consideration. He may be about to order a Hit on me.
This is the alpha male goat, an elusive individual who tried his best to resist my photographic advances. I leapt out from behind a tree, banging a tin can to get his attention on this one.
Of course, once I told him I could do moody black-and-white, he was all smiles. I think he's channelling Christopher Walkern at this point.
These ladies had an off-putting habit on shuffling forward on their knees as they nibbled the grass. It was odd to see. Perhaps I should have videoed it?
These two donkeys seemed to be whispering a lot. I'm not sure if they were coaching each other for the shot, or asking if I'd gone yet. Either way, they ate a lot of grass.
The mice in the small animals enclosure were tricky. They've taken to hiding inside painted ping-pong balls. I mean seriously, would you have known? Isn't nature wonderful?!
A final shot as I headed home; as the sun descends, feral cows emerge from their moorland burrows and survey their domain. Probably.
This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014