Saturday, February 09, 2013

* Ceramic And Stained Glass

It’s the weekend.

I love the weekend. You know... relaxation, downtime, right?

Well, Nicky and Mike over at We Work For Cheese are running a month-long writing challenge. Yes, that's right, twenty eight days of writing, reading and commenting.

February used to always feel so short.

The clock on the wall ticks slowly.

I have to go out in fifteen minutes, but I’m in no hurry.

This blog entry has been removed, revised and included in the romping sci-fi epic TESTAMENT: FUNNY BADGERS by Indigo Roth, Red Angel Publishing, 2013.

Its reference in the book is MAX 2:1-23

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This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014


  1. You are such a good writer.... *sigh* I'm jealous!

    1. Hey Barb! Nonsense, I just have too much time on my hands =) But thank you x Indigo

  2. I read that book! Took me somewhat less than a month though. Even though I often nod off while I'm reading.

    1. Hey Dufus! Pffft, show off. And yes, I like the resulting dozing that I experience after a few minutes, no matter how much I'm enjoying the book. Indigo

  3. I read way more when I was working than now when it would seem that I'd have more time. But then I read on my lunch break every day. It's lovely that you have a specially crafted hourglass to help you make time for reading.

    1. Hey Linda, I should read at lunchtime, but then I'd sleep all afternoon. Hmmm. Indigo

  4. I wish I could order up one of those hourglasses. Not only would I get more reading done, my coffee would stay hot longer too, like your tea :) Wonderful story; I was kind of expecting something sinister at first, and was only able to relax near the end!

    1. Hey Jenn! Oh, fear not. Sinister is rare, and only ever metaphorical; my subconscious is out to get me. Indigo x

  5. Ok, please could I borrow Max? Just for a little while? He really does seem like a very handy person to have around.

    1. Oooh Nicky, be careful what you wish for, ma belle. The last person that borrowed Max for the weekend ended up having to drop four of him off on Monday after that incident with the Uber-Xerox machine. And let me tell you, that lad can EAT. Indigo x

  6. "And the most precious gift you can give is time."

    What an incredibly wonderful post, Indigo, I enjoyed it immensely. Just reading it made me feel more relaxed. Thank you. :)

    1. Hey Ziva! Wow, thank you! That's a wonderful compliment. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Z. Indigo x

  7. That piece of writing is incredibly evocative. Nicely done, once again, Indigo! x

    1. Hey Jack! You're too kind, evocative is always my aim when I scribble down the nonsense that happens to me. Thanks, Indigo

  8. I'm such a read-aholic that time flies by when I'm reading. Where did the morning go? Where did afternoon go? Where did the evening go? Where did the week, month, year go? I live my life in the pages of books. I need to climb out, but not until Spring.

    1. Hey Linda! It may well be the best thing to do during the winter. And that's a nice big bed you have there for reading in, may I say? ;) Indigo x

  9. Very good piece of writing. I really enjoyed it.

    1. Hey Claudya! Thanks, I'm a bit swamped right now with this challenge, but I'll be over soon =) Indigo

  10. That was good.

    Damn - you make it feel effortless.


    Thanks though.

    1. Hey Alistair! Well thank you. Chaplin always said the hardest part of acting was making it look easy; he may have been onto something. It's a bit like you and the porridge - I just don't have the knack! Indigo

  11. I'm a slow reader as well. I hate it. What I don't hate is your writing. You, sir, continue to impress me. That last line was the perfect way to punctuate this post.

    1. Hey KZ! You flatter me, Sir. But I'm not complaining. I'm glad you enjoyed this oddball tale. Indigo
