Thankfully, they're not there when I step away from my Godzilla marathon on TV to answer it. It's Ziva, Finland's answer to a very-tiny-but-important question. The diva gazes up at most of me from her tall heels. We've had dealings before, not least of which was what became known in hushed tones as The Istanbul Incident.
Roth! she beams, with something approaching tolerance, We need something from you! By "we" the crazy Finn means her and Mike, Colorado's long-lost Heir to the Dead-Letter Throne Of America. The duo have recently masterminded the 30 Days Of Photography Challenge.
I took part. I broke rules. I didn't care. Ziva told me in no uncertain terms that I was now On Her List. I have no idea what that means, but goshdarnit, it sounds interesting, doesn't it?
Ziva! I smile shyly.
You might be a slacker, my dear Indigo, she shrugs kindly, but we have need of your peculiar talents. As I look blankly at her, she chuckles, As someone very tall once said to me, It's Steam-Engines when it comes Steam-Engine-Time!
I consider this with all due solemnity for a moment.
Your outtakes, man! she smiles, somewhat worryingly. You promised us extra photos that you didn't use in the challenge!
I did?
You do remember, don't you?
She shakes her long dark hair and I forget my name for a moment.
So, when can we have them? Now is good.
I have visions of Vikings roaring across the frozen wastelands. I am caught in their bloodied headlights.
Oh, yes, of course. Well, you'd better come in then.
She tap-taps into my hallway and closes the door behind us.
I'll just turn Godzilla off.
There's no need. It turns out she's a fan.
So. Here's my spare photos.
And Instabul? Oh, it was cool. We made bail.
Day 13 – Calm 2

Day 25 – Video 2
This alternate take has some lovely footage of a very cheeky bird.
Day 27 – Kafkaesque 2

Day 28 – Autumn 2

Day 28 – Autumn 3
