Monday, August 06, 2012

* When Dreaming in Dolby

This blog entry has been removed, revised and included in the romping sci-fi epic TESTAMENT: FUNNY BADGERS by Indigo Roth, Red Angel Publishing, 2013.

Its reference in the book is ABBEY 3:1-50

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This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014


  1. Wishing you pleasant dreams, kisses from red headed women and hot pizza!

    1. Hey Paula! Ooooh, thank you! I already had the pizza, so pop a couple more redheads in, wontcha? Indigo x

  2. Pizza and redheads and sharks? Oh My! I love your goofy dreams. They are happy, dramatic, scary, pizza filled, and have moments of terror, just like real life!

    1. Hey Linda! Redheads? Where?! Best not tell Jayne, she'll think I'm shallow. Erm. Indigo x

  3. Hi Indigo, myself and my alter-ego are having a little contretemp about your origins. My alter-ego says you're clearly raised as an American (evidence: Cellphone, Movies) and probably from California and I'm saying that you've been immersed in film and literature from around the world and that this has lead you into sprinkling intrigueing, stray, americanism in your writing. Can you enlighten us and settle our little disruption?

    1. Hey Wendy! You're correct, not your alter-ego. Well, partly. I am a True Brit, born and raised in England. I've travelled a little bit, can bluff in a small number of languages, and will watch just about any movie you put me in front of. Tho clearly I am relaxed about prepositions. I've recently started reading again after years of nothing; I'm on a Steinbeck jag. I deliberately use American words over English because most of my audience is overseas and easily bewildered. So, high five! you were right! Indigo

  4. I'm going to blame the Olympics for your weird dream. The kiss is so obviously representative of the uneven parallel bars and the shark clearly symbolizes synchronized swimming. Being held in your home country, the competitive drive has permeated every square inch of the atmosphere over England and has resulted in your subconscious attempting to handle the resulting performance anxiety and stress.

    Because it couldn't possibly be the jalapeƱos on the pizza.

    1. Hey Nicky! It's lovely to see you here! You are a wiser woman than me, clearly. I'd certainly like to see more sharks in the Synchronised Swimming, but only because I failed to get tickets for it. As for the kiss... ;> But hang on, wait a minute! "Performance anxiety?" Who have you been talking to? They must have a long memory. And don't be dissing the jalapeƱos! That be fighting talk where I come from. Welcome to the blog! Indigo x

  5. Not a dream, a least the second half of it. But the pizza is a nice pick me up!

    1. Kay Kato! I'm too bewildered to tell. But yes, I should focus on the important things. Indigo x
