Friday, August 10, 2012

* A Frozen Game Of Patience

This blog entry has been removed, revised and included in the romping sci-fi epic TESTAMENT: FUNNY BADGERS by Indigo Roth, Red Angel Publishing, 2013.

Its reference in the book is DREAMS 7:1-18

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This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014


  1. What if I just dreamed you and you don't really exist? I'm starting to worry that you're a figment of my imagination and not a real person! I'll be so disappointed if I arrive at the Euthanasia Curry House to collect my free birthday dinner and you're not there! (Although, if I encounter a lion, a bear, an evil genius and a badger, I'll just tell them to put it on your tab.)

    1. Paula, fear not! I exist. Witness! *ahem* Cogito ergo sum. As for the Euthanasia Curry House, we are always there. Elliot will join us; he's a fan of yours. As are the badgers. BTW, best bring some Doc Pepper, you won't like ours (no corn syrup!). Roth x

  2. That gave me the shivers. Beautiful writing Indigo.

    1. Hey Kato! Thank you! Good grief, you've just read a dozen entries. I'd best go reply! Indigo x

  3. I suspect that the Badger tried that trick on me, but I haven't written him in yet. Doh!
    Thanks - enjoyed the idea, the execution and the short perkiness of it all :-)

    1. Hey Wendy! Yep, brief is good, and I rarely pull it off. Thanks for noticing! And we want to see the badger! Indigo x

  4. i dream too much...

    and those are the lyrics to a song by...?

    i usually call the person i've dreamt f the next day. you know, just to make sure they're OK.

    ;~D nicely done, sugar!

    1. Hey Savannah! Um... Jerome Kern? And by the way, I do exactly the same. So, thank you! Indigo x

    2. well done you! 1935 movie of the same name. the funny thing for me is that i always hear it in Sun Ra's voice.


    3. The man DOES have a great voice.

  5. But since it was your dream, you dreamed them so they could dream you so you could write this post. But that means that they were dreaming so maybe they dreamed that you were dreaming of them dreaming of you so you could write this post.

    This is beginning to seem more like a nightmare. Did you happen to have pizza with jalapenos again?

    1. Hey Nicky! Like the Quantum Physics entry from the day before, all things are possible. In fact they may be mandatory. I try not to overthink it, or I start to pick at stray threads that can become a plot hole so big, you can drive a truck through it. Luvverly to see you here again! Indigo x p.s. Yes to the pizza and its hot toppings.

  6. Just wonderful stuff Mr Roth. They dreamed well!

    and differently.......

    All the animals I know {and there are a few} dream of food!


    1. Hey Alistair! Too kind, Sir. Far too kind. Indigo

  7. Man, I wish I could remember my dreams so I could write about them!

    1. Hey Mia! Thanks, mine are usually so utterly stupid they can't be written down. This one was a lucky score! I'll be away for a few days, good luck with your 30 Days Of Lockdown! Indigo x
