Monday, July 16, 2012

* And Fifty Years From Now

This blog entry has been removed, revised and included in the romping sci-fi epic TESTAMENT: FUNNY BADGERS by Indigo Roth, Red Angel Publishing, 2013.

Its reference in the book is RUMINATIONS 2:1-25

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This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014


  1. I think American Gothic might be the most recognized American painting. As for our blogs being read in the future... I've printed hard copies of my favorite posts and put them in a binder. Maybe someday Chuck will want to read them or maybe share them with any offspring he might have. Or maybe the binder will just get lost in all the other "stuff" in my house, never to be seen again. *sigh*

    1. Hey Boom Boom! Lost?! Of course not, Chuck will treasure them! Anyway, get yourself published, woman! If you do, I'll buy it, I promise. Roth x

  2. In this post, you sound so much like Kurt Vonnegut. If any blog should be found by aliens centuries from now, I hope it will be yours. I'd like them to think we all had your whimsical spirit.

    And so it goes...

    1. Hey Jayne! Well damn, you just said a lovely thing. Thank you x

  3. This was damned charming! It made me smile all the way through!

  4. It's interesting to think about. There are tools you can get for free on the great interwebs that turn your blog into book form. Which, when I decide I am done with this whole blogging thing, I will do. To have it as a physical thing. Because as I have said before, my blog is my take on my life. My everyday shenanigans and adventures that I want to remember when I am 90-years-old, lying in my death bed.

    Interesting indeed.

    1. You can pop it next to my magnum opus - FUNNY BADGERS.

  5. Will my blog survive that long, doubt it. I'm ficcle and impetuous and have nearly deleted the whole thing on two separate occasions.

    1. Good grief Matey, you must keep it! In fact, re-run some of it; many folk have not read of your time in the monastery or of your devotion to BloodySillyism. Roth
