Wednesday, June 27, 2012

* 30 Days Of Roth - Day 18

This blog entry has been removed, revised and included in the romping sci-fi epic TESTAMENT: FUNNY BADGERS by Indigo Roth, Red Angel Publishing, 2013.

Its reference in the book is 1 ROTH 4:1-50

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This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014


  1. Ah I have those conversations too. While my back sometimes nags me it's the knees that harangue most.

    Getting older is lovely. Just you wait till the nose/ear hair thing really kicks in too.

    and the weak bladder thing.
    and the eysight thing.

    Hope I've cheered you up matey!

    1. ... and the horse you rode in on, Alistair! =p

  2. If all cabbies looked like Ernest Borgnine, I'd take a cab more often.

    1. "Do you know who I had in my cab yesterday? Only that Obi Wan Kenobi fella. Told me to "follow that speeder", like that's possible in rush hour traffic! I mean seriously! He got browned off right away, and said he'd not seen traffic this slow since, oh, since before I was born. In the end I dropped him in Holloway, near the bus startion, after he said he'd found the droids he was looking for. I said that'll be a tenner mate, and he waved his hand and stone me if his pocketful of change was just enough. Even stood me a handsome tip, proper gent he was..."

  3. Those inner voices have the knack of saying exactly what we don't want to hear. Fortunately I managed to drown many of them with Ale :)

    Kudos on all your hard work Sir - you are indeed, looking very slick :)

  4. Funny, Vlad/Chuck and I were just talking about Escape from New York yesterday and now here's a reference. Cosmic!
    But seriously, congrats on losing the weight! I'm sure your knees and back are thanking you!

    1. Hey Paula, EVERYTHING is thanking me; back, knees, stairs, bed, the loo... And yes, it IS a classic! Roth x
