Saturday, June 23, 2012

30 Days Of Roth - Day 14

I must have run you pretty ragged with long entries over the past few days. So today, we'll have something a little lighter.

Good gravy, it's even brief!

I've never got the hang of brevity.

Sometimes They Even Think

Today was an interesting day.

Sometimes strange things happen. Nobody is surprised.

Sometimes really strange things happen. People stop and look, and sometimes even think. But life goes on.

But if something really strange happens around here? No question about it, they immediately pull in...

Indigo Roth's The Usual SuspectsFor the record, we put the Eiffel Tower back before anyone missed it.


Continue to Day 15 >>

This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2010/2012
Indigo tips his hat to the original publicity shot.


  1. I would always be suspicious of a lion in blue toenail polish...

    1. I'm always suspicious of a lion. Period. See that necktie? Mine. Bastard.

  2. but look at the smirk on the bear's face... had to be him.

    1. Hey Vic! He could just be channelling Benicio Del Toro? My money is on Max Tunguska (nee iDifficult) but only because it's always him...

  3. What happens after thirty days? Is there a post-Roth party? Shall we await the Roth of God?

    1. Hey Murr! I may just keep going; Rules were never my strong point. I salute your English pronunciation of Wrath, but after a month of sitting on cold, damp grass I think The Grapes Of Roth may be more appropriate? Indigo x

  4. For me I'd go with the badger as the mastermind on this one. He's the only one not covering his goolies - a sure sign us men are feeling uncomfortable. And he's already looking for the way out like he's lined up a patsy already!

    Bloomin badgers eh-no?

    1. Hey Alistair! I'd never noticed the goolies thing before. Curious. So, are we asking the question "who is Badger Soze"? Roth

  5. I was at the Eiffel Tower, or at least I was supposed to be--but it was missing. Dagnabit!

    1. Hey Britt! Hey, we only borrowed it for a while. It wasn't even deliberate! He forgot to carry the 1 when he added the third column; coordinates are tricky things. Indigo x

  6. Obviously it's Max Tunguska waving his arms behind iDifficult, directing our attention toward the real culprit.

    1. Is that what he's calling himself this week? I find it hard keeping track... But yes, when you google image "culprit", you'll find him.
