Sunday, April 01, 2012

* Beyond The Notice Of Physics

This blog entry has been removed, revised and included in the romping sci-fi epic TESTAMENT: FUNNY BADGERS by Indigo Roth, Red Angel Publishing, 2013.

Its reference in the book is EOLIST 5:1-38

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This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014


  1. My name balances but on a knife edge, shifting back and forth between my various regenerations. I am known by all of them, including names yet to come. It's 2010 and I've just eaten the hottest chilli ever. Then I'm forward to 2012 with ring-sting. Pretty swift for 2 minutes later.

  2. Is it me, or are you writing quite a bit about food lately? I'm glad to see that this time the proprietor didn't toss you off a cliff. Perhaps one day you and your friends will drop in to visit me.

    1. Hey Jayne! Yes, yes I am. It's this diet. Still, thirteen pounds down, 43 to go. And yes, I will definitely drop by sometime. How big is your sofa? Indigo x

  3. ah yes. it was a quite wonderful day as i recall.

    1. Yes, the detour along the wrong side of Tomales Bay didn't help. Shame we missed the bakery, it came highly recommended. And we shoulda kept going to Salinas! Roth x

    2. we shoulda kept going period...

    3. Yes! We coulda fallen down the San Andreas Fault! Nice quiet place for a nap...

  4. I can't keep visiting here if you're constantly talking about food. Especially the high fat, high sugar, high sodium variety ie. the delicious kind...

    I still have 5kg to go, Roth.

    1. Hey Lass! I don't understand kilos, but I'm reliably told I have twenty more kilos to lose, so I'm sure you look better in a pair of heels than I do. Roth x

  5. It appears I have to catch up with the universe rather than the reverse... no time for lunch, alas.

    1. Hey Boom Boom! Delighted to see you, m'dear! I hope you're in one piece? As for the universe, I always try to be one step ahead, just so I can get a breather occasonally. And plenty of sleep. Which seems more important these days =) Indigo x

  6. Hmm, the food sounds wonderful, and the memories remind me of something...something about a madeleine....

    1. Hey Nancy! It really was, and a lovely day out. It's been four years since I was in California with Eolist, and it's happy memories all the way. Indigo x

  7. Ahhh! In the U.S. and didn't call?!! What?!

    Ah, well. CA is about 1600 miles away from MN, and this was three years ago, wasn't it? :-)

    How interesting would a cross-country Greyhound bus trip be, though?! Hmmm. I gotta talk to my boss. I need two months off...


    1. Hey Pearl! Well, as you know, history is a flexible thing; I'm sure you could still join us. I'll have a word with 'Diffi... I mean Max. I'll never get the hang of that. As for the Greyhound, visiting all the places we mentioned a while back? Count me in. If we can slip the New Jersey Turnpike in, all the better. I'll bring my Gabardine mac. Indigo x

    2. I know, Pearl, right? I didn't even get a card.

    3. I am feeling somewhat mauled. It's interesting.

  8. You and Eolist have me smiling this morning. Much thanks. I had something similar happen Saturday night. The Wife and I were childless for the evening, so we went to a tapas restaurant (which I hate; never enough food) and they had this breaded and fried manchego cheese with honey walnut drizzle. Unbelievable.

    1. Hey Joshua! That sounds like a plan, tho I generally agree about tapas. What's machego like cooked? I've only had it au naturel, and found it hard work. Not like a decent cheddar, stilton or roquefort. Mmmmm. Indigo

  9. What a beautiful story...made me nostalgic for something. I don't know what, but I am sure it was good as it was quite a pleasant nostalgia.

    1. Hey Kato! How did I miss this comment?! It's odd, but sometimes I get a sense of nostalgia about nostalgia itself; I guess nostalgia isn't what it used to be... Indigo x
