Sunday, December 04, 2011

* But For Our Olympic Coughing

This blog entry has been removed, revised and included in the romping sci-fi epic TESTAMENT: FUNNY BADGERS by Indigo Roth, Red Angel Publishing, 2013.

Its reference in the book is EOLIST 4:1-90

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This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014


  1. Whew! For a minute there, I thought the embarrassing baboon butted Octoboon had you. Glad you made it back safely.

  2. That, my friend, was a splendid story. Welcome back! (Are you going to work the word "Olympic" into each of your posts for the next few months?)

  3. Hey Boom Boom! The Butt of Doom did not claim us, no ma'am! And curiously we always seem to make it back! Even vs the cuttlefish!

    Hey Blissed-Out! That's very kind of you Nancy, thank you. I'm not sure about further use of the word itself, but rest assured that (as evidenced by the entry on The Winter Olympics) myself and 'Difficult will be competing for Queen and Country!

    Thanks to you both! Indigo

  4. some of us weren't where we belonged, but i do think we were all exactly where we were supposed to be.

    ps: i recall being more than thankful that not a drop of coffee was spilled - as i'm sure were you. ;)

  5. Such an adventurous life you lead. Love that this story took place in Marin County where I lived in the early 70s. In hindsight, I can see that I've always been exactly where I was supposed to be, even if it felt like I was stuck there longer than necessary at the time.

  6. Hey Eolist! Well said, ma'am. It's like George Lucas wrote in the introduction to the original Star Wars movie novelisation - "They were at the wrong place at the wrong time, and naturally they became heroes".

    Hey Jayne! Things are never dull when you're in the company of fabulous people. I would love to go back to Marin County, I fell in love with the place. And tho you're a little ways off, I'll wouldn't miss wine and stargazing with equally fabulous company for the world.

    Thanks to you both! Indigo x

  7. Indigo, you're killing me!! :-)

    Love your imagination.


  8. Hey Pearl! Too kind, m'dear! We're not sure whether it made it back, but there was a vicious rumour that Octoboons likes ambushing people from snowdrifts. So, you know, take care when you're out clearing your path. Indigo x

  9. I think we need a picture of this Octoboon. Yes...definitely.

  10. The first eight of these creatures exploded, until I realised I had the name spelled OctoBOOM. Much better as Octoboon.

  11. Hey Joshua! We do?! Hmmm. I wonder if 'Difficult still has the schematics.

    Hey matey! Very much like that minefield-clearing-monkey you engineered all those years ago, the Baboom.

    Thanks to you both! Indigo
