Sunday, August 21, 2011

* The Panic Is Infectious

This blog entry has been removed, revised and included in the romping sci-fi epic TESTAMENT: FUNNY BADGERS by Indigo Roth, Red Angel Publishing, 2013.

Its reference in the book is EOLIST 2:1-41

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This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014


  1. you did shut the bathroom door on your way out didn't you?

  2. Gah!! That is the stuff of nightmares. If that was anywhere in my house, I would move.

    Great story Indigo!!

  3. String vest. HA! HA! HA! HA!!

    What IS it about spiders? I consider myself pretty independent but a spider, even a small one can stop me dead in my tracks and screaming like a little girl.

    BTW, that picture is going to give me the willies all day now!

  4. Hi Indigo.

    I think you're going to have to lasoo that chappie and drag him out of there. Dammed uncivilised to behave like that in the ladies shower cubicle.

    I'm annoyed that the tune 'Billy don't be a hero' has just started up in my head......

    You've forgotten I'm suffering from insomnia haven't you?

    Thanks for that Buster........

  5. Hey Eolist! Yes, but thank heavens you had that nail gun. And the flamethrower!

    Hey Kato! I felt like moving at my old place, as we were on the edge of the country and got HUGE ones in. And in the end, I did! Tho I maintain it wasn't the scary arachnids that triggered it...

    Hey Chrissy! I'm no better, to be honest. It's a primal thing, some sort of racial memory affair. I think they used to be bigger, and hunted cavemen for food. As for the willies, my apologies ;>

    Hey Alistair! "And as Billy started to go, she said..." hehehe BTW, we had to re-tile after the nail gun and flamethrower, and get a new shower curtain. And Eolist never did get the goo off the shovel.

    Thanks one and all! Indigo

  6. Ewww, I could have done without your response to Alistair! And maybe without the picture. Great story, anyway.

  7. Hey Blissed-Out! Thanks Nancy, they never fail to scare me silly. And I dream about them too. Not. Good. Indigo

  8. That's fabulous. :-)


  9. "Leave the gun, take the canoli." Spiders love canoli.

  10. Hey Pearl! Good grief, glad you liked it, but I hope it was the story and not the beast itself. As I noted earlier, folks that like them are straaaaange...

    Hey Joshua! Heh, Godfather humour, love it. But oooh, cannoli might work, come to think. Between the two of us, tho, he's going to have to wait his turn. Mmmmm...

    Thanks to you both! Indigo

  11. Oh dear lord. I'm sure you've thought about this, but did you make sure to check the rest of the house for egg sacks?

  12. Hey Lola, welcome! Eggs sacks?! I didn't even go look again for the spider! Indigo

  13. You're amazing. Too bad Eolist has to go into the witness relocation program now, so the Spider Revenge Team doesn't come after her. And you...

  14. Hi Leah! I still have nightmares after watching the wonderfully gross/fun EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS. As for Eolist, I've not seen her in a day or two. Hmmm. Indigo x

  15. You ARE a hero. For the record, if a guy wants to win my heart, and he can't cook or buy ice cream, I'll give him huge points if he unhooks a spider web across the path, opens it on its hinge, and replaces it once he's through. Ice cream works, too.

  16. Hey Murr! Well, as a properly raised English gent, I am most capable of doing all those things without being reminded. I even smile while doing it. Especially about the ice cream. Indigo

  17. Spiders - We are soooo lucky that they have no idea just how scared of them most of us are. Just last night, a spider may or may not (the jury is still out) landed on Ani's shoulder. As we were relaxing together on the couch at the time, I ended up with bruised shins and chest as she screamed and thrashed about. I must admit, if it's bigger than a 50p coin then it'll send a shiver down my spine.

  18. Hey Robbie! I have a nasty suspicion they hypnotise us and implant the suggestion that we're terrified of them. It really makes no sense otherwise. There was a tree-lined avenue in Luton, and I could never walk it after dark because there was always a multitude of fresh web strands across it after dark; I think they were really big and waiting for a stray dog or something... Indigo

  19. With that spider I think I'd go ahead and drive the car into the deep end and wait for help to arrive.

  20. Hey Boom Boom! It's true, there are few aquatic spiders. But I might have hurt Eolist's manatee. Or the pool boy. Indigo
