Sunday, August 07, 2011

* A Comfortable Silence Falls

This blog entry has been removed, revised and included in the romping sci-fi epic TESTAMENT: FUNNY BADGERS by Indigo Roth, Red Angel Publishing, 2013.

Its reference in the book is EOLIST 1:1-74

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This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014


  1. I love it! All of your stories are so mysteries..,


  2. I love this. Your writing always transports me to such magical places. You are, my friend, a bona fide genius. So glad I could stop by today.

    P.S. Your stories frequently feature redheaded women. Coincidence? I think not. ;)

  3. Hey Kato! Thank you, they're always a mystery to me too. Tho some of them seem to make sense at the time...

    Hey Jayne! Well bless you, I'm flattered as hell. As for redheads, Eolist usually is, and looks good on it. But between you and me, I think you might be onto something ;>

    Thanks to you both! Indigo x

  4. i wonder if perhaps later we should have a good rummage through that old barn? "homework" has always been an excellent cover for well conceived planning...

  5. Hey Eolist! Happy memories, eh? And who knows what tricks those three got up to? There may not have been curry or time travel, but I bet there were hi-tec Victorian shenanigans. Or - now here's a thought - Steampunk shenanigans! Indigo x

  6. I love Café Nehru there are far too few of these fine coffee houses around. I'd forgotten what a fine institution the Caffeine Exchange Programme was.

  7. By the way, my word verification word tonight was wonsedia. I'm sure we must be able to weave this into a story somewhere...

  8. By the way, my second word verification word tonight was ingeapai. I'm sure we must be able to weave this into a story somewhere...

  9. By the way, my third word verification word tonight was mulusce. I'm sure we must be able to weave this into a story somewhere...

  10. Hey matey, I've just noticed that an anagram of "wonsedia", "ingeapai" and "mulusce" is "An audacious sweeping lime". Spooky. Roth.

  11. That was delightful. :-) Quick-paced. I feel a little dizzy...


  12. Hey Pearl! Thank you, tho quick-paced is no substitute for short. Apologies for the dizziness... Perhaps you need a coffee? Indigo x

  13. I always knew there was something strange about you all. Pictures of relatives from 1892? You can't fool me. I know you're all Time Lords and I want in. Can I be "turned" like vampires? Or do I just sign up?

  14. Hey Joshua! Do you have a TARDIS? You do?! Wait, you're not The Master, are you?! Is that hand covering a cheeky little goatee?! Run everyone, RUN!! Indigo

  15. Good heavens, NO! I'm Azmael, of course.

  16. And I had you pegged as The Corsair...

  17. A wee word of warning for Ms Petite:

    Beware strangers who have imaginative back stories and who, only moments after meeting, take you to small and isolated padded spaces, supply intoxicating stimulants and immediately attempt to curry favour.

    Indigo especially may sound like he has a case but I suspect he may just be one.........

    transmission ends.

    ps. my word verification was 'psycoffeepaths'. I bet you could work that into a story.


    Great stuff Indigo.

  18. Hey Alistair! These are wise words, my friend, but this is all ancient history. Besides, she's smarter than the pair of us, and fights like a rabid wolverine. #fact And thank you. Indigo

  19. Jings - she sounds interesting.

    My mum always told me to 'look out for bad women' - I've been looking for forty years and haven't found a bad one yet, although one or two were 'interesting'.

  20. Hey Alistair! Well, she's further up the comments, so go read her blog! And she's not a 'bad' woman, just a minx. Indigo

  21. Don't mess with a wee woman who's been cut off from her caffeine! (Truly the beginning of a wonderful friendship!)

  22. Hey Boom Boom! The police and fire brigade were called to Eolist's house a while back after reports of an explosion. Turns out it was just her running out of espresso. Indigo
