Wednesday, May 18, 2011

* A Classy Signature Hit

This blog entry has been removed, revised and included in the romping sci-fi epic TESTAMENT: FUNNY BADGERS by Indigo Roth, Red Angel Publishing, 2013.

Its reference in the book is BADGERS 7:1-36

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This blog entry is protected by copyright © Indigo Roth, 2009-2014


  1. hehehe... mmmmmmarvelous!

    *volleys for position one on the clean up crew*

  2. Another tasty posting.



  3. I wish Hoth would attack me with some scones... I've got my catcher's mitt at the ready! (Hope the eclair bazooka was tasty. That would be worth a loss, too.)

  4. Hey Everyone! Good grief, what have I started here? A feeding frenzy?! By the way, I'm fine. Thanks for asking. 'Difficult always was a lousy shot. We decided to call it a draw and eat our way to victory. Indigo

  5. You can never have to many chocolate cream eclairs - close combat weapon of choice for the connoisseur.

    Very dangerous!

    You are quite spectacularly and marvellously mad my friend and the world's a better place for it..........

  6. Now this is a reality that I could virtually enjoy!

    Also, in my neck of the woods, the trend of late has been to call eclairs 'long johns'... Could this be due to their ability to acquire a target from long range? This craze must be catching on!

  7. *INCOMING* Never trust an eccles cake.

  8. Hey 'beck! Ha! In MY neck of the woods, Long Johns are one-piece long underwear, and have been since Grandpa Roth's time. So no, definitely not be eating any of those.

    Hey Alistair! Spectuacularly and marvellously mad? Nonsense. I'm as sane as the next man. But remember who the next man (below) is...

    Hey 'Difficult! Thankfully, Eccles Cakes were banned by the Geneva Confection.

    Thanks one and all! Indigo
